mirror of
synced 2025-01-11 15:38:51 -06:00
Michael Malloy
I need to fix the formatting and rename some variables, but that's for another time. Licence, readme, and changelog are from the original libWiiSharp repo.
514 lines
16 KiB
514 lines
16 KiB
// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler
// Type: libWiiSharp.BNS
// Assembly: libWiiSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
// MVID: FBF36F3D-B5D6-481F-B5F5-1BD3C19E13B2
// Assembly location: C:\Users\theso\Downloads\NCPatcher\pack\libWiiSharp.dll
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
namespace libWiiSharp
public class BNS : IDisposable
private BNS_Header bnsHeader = new BNS_Header();
private BNS_Info bnsInfo = new BNS_Info();
private BNS_Data bnsData = new BNS_Data();
private int[,] lSamples = new int[2, 2];
private int[,] rlSamples = new int[2, 2];
private int[] tlSamples = new int[2];
private int[] hbcDefTbl = new int[16]
private int[] defTbl = new int[16]
private int[] pHist1 = new int[2];
private int[] pHist2 = new int[2];
private int tempSampleCount;
private byte[] waveFile;
private bool loopFromWave;
private bool converted;
private bool toMono;
private bool isDisposed;
public bool HasLoop
get => this.bnsInfo.HasLoop == (byte) 1;
set => this.bnsInfo.HasLoop = value ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0;
public uint LoopStart
get => this.bnsInfo.LoopStart;
set => this.bnsInfo.LoopStart = value;
public uint TotalSampleCount
get => this.bnsInfo.LoopEnd;
set => this.bnsInfo.LoopEnd = value;
public bool StereoToMono
get => this.toMono;
set => this.toMono = value;
public event EventHandler<ProgressChangedEventArgs> Progress;
protected BNS()
public BNS(string waveFile) => this.waveFile = File.ReadAllBytes(waveFile);
public BNS(string waveFile, bool loopFromWave)
this.waveFile = File.ReadAllBytes(waveFile);
this.loopFromWave = loopFromWave;
public BNS(byte[] waveFile) => this.waveFile = waveFile;
public BNS(byte[] waveFile, bool loopFromWave)
this.waveFile = waveFile;
this.loopFromWave = loopFromWave;
~BNS() => this.Dispose(false);
public void Dispose()
GC.SuppressFinalize((object) this);
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing && !this.isDisposed)
this.bnsHeader = (BNS_Header) null;
this.bnsInfo = (BNS_Info) null;
this.bnsData = (BNS_Data) null;
this.lSamples = (int[,]) null;
this.rlSamples = (int[,]) null;
this.tlSamples = (int[]) null;
this.hbcDefTbl = (int[]) null;
this.pHist1 = (int[]) null;
this.pHist2 = (int[]) null;
this.waveFile = (byte[]) null;
this.isDisposed = true;
public static int GetBnsLength(byte[] bnsFile)
uint num = (uint) Shared.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt16(bnsFile, 44));
return (int) (Shared.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(bnsFile, 52)) / num);
public void Convert() => this.convert(this.waveFile, this.loopFromWave);
public byte[] ToByteArray() => this.ToMemoryStream().ToArray();
public MemoryStream ToMemoryStream()
if (!this.converted)
this.convert(this.waveFile, this.loopFromWave);
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
this.bnsHeader.Write((Stream) memoryStream);
this.bnsInfo.Write((Stream) memoryStream);
this.bnsData.Write((Stream) memoryStream);
return memoryStream;
public void Save(string destionationFile)
if (File.Exists(destionationFile))
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(destionationFile, FileMode.Create))
byte[] array = this.ToMemoryStream().ToArray();
fileStream.Write(array, 0, array.Length);
public void SetLoop(int loopStartSample)
this.bnsInfo.HasLoop = (byte) 1;
this.bnsInfo.LoopStart = (uint) loopStartSample;
private void convert(byte[] waveFile, bool loopFromWave)
Wave wave = new Wave(waveFile);
int numLoops = wave.NumLoops;
int loopStart = wave.LoopStart;
this.bnsInfo.ChannelCount = (byte) wave.NumChannels;
this.bnsInfo.SampleRate = (ushort) wave.SampleRate;
if (this.bnsInfo.ChannelCount > (byte) 2 || this.bnsInfo.ChannelCount < (byte) 1)
throw new Exception("Unsupported Amount of Channels!");
if (wave.BitDepth != 16)
throw new Exception("Only 16bit Wave files are supported!");
this.bnsData.Data = wave.DataFormat == 1 ? this.Encode(wave.SampleData) : throw new Exception("The format of this Wave file is not supported!");
if (this.bnsInfo.ChannelCount == (byte) 1)
this.bnsHeader.InfoLength = 96U;
this.bnsHeader.DataOffset = 128U;
this.bnsInfo.Size = 96U;
this.bnsInfo.Channel1StartOffset = 28U;
this.bnsInfo.Channel2StartOffset = 0U;
this.bnsInfo.Channel1Start = 40U;
this.bnsInfo.Coefficients1Offset = 0U;
this.bnsData.Size = (uint) (this.bnsData.Data.Length + 8);
this.bnsHeader.DataLength = this.bnsData.Size;
this.bnsHeader.FileSize = (uint) this.bnsHeader.Size + this.bnsInfo.Size + this.bnsData.Size;
if (loopFromWave && numLoops == 1 && loopStart != -1)
this.bnsInfo.LoopStart = (uint) loopStart;
this.bnsInfo.HasLoop = (byte) 1;
this.bnsInfo.LoopEnd = (uint) this.tempSampleCount;
for (int index = 0; index < 16; ++index)
this.bnsInfo.Coefficients1[index] = this.defTbl[index];
if (this.bnsInfo.ChannelCount == (byte) 2)
this.bnsInfo.Coefficients2[index] = this.defTbl[index];
this.converted = true;
private byte[] Encode(byte[] inputFrames)
int[] inputBuffer = new int[14];
this.tempSampleCount = inputFrames.Length / (this.bnsInfo.ChannelCount == (byte) 2 ? 4 : 2);
int num1 = inputFrames.Length / (this.bnsInfo.ChannelCount == (byte) 2 ? 4 : 2) % 14;
Array.Resize<byte>(ref inputFrames, inputFrames.Length + (14 - num1) * (this.bnsInfo.ChannelCount == (byte) 2 ? 4 : 2));
int num2 = inputFrames.Length / (this.bnsInfo.ChannelCount == (byte) 2 ? 4 : 2);
int num3 = (num2 + 13) / 14;
List<int> intList1 = new List<int>();
List<int> intList2 = new List<int>();
int startIndex = 0;
if (this.toMono && this.bnsInfo.ChannelCount == (byte) 2)
this.bnsInfo.ChannelCount = (byte) 1;
else if (this.toMono)
this.toMono = false;
for (int index = 0; index < num2; ++index)
intList1.Add((int) BitConverter.ToInt16(inputFrames, startIndex));
startIndex += 2;
if (this.bnsInfo.ChannelCount == (byte) 2 || this.toMono)
intList2.Add((int) BitConverter.ToInt16(inputFrames, startIndex));
startIndex += 2;
byte[] numArray1 = new byte[this.bnsInfo.ChannelCount == (byte) 2 ? num3 * 16 : num3 * 8];
int num4 = 0;
int num5 = num3 * 8;
this.bnsInfo.Channel2Start = this.bnsInfo.ChannelCount == (byte) 2 ? (uint) num5 : 0U;
int[] array1 = intList1.ToArray();
int[] array2 = intList2.ToArray();
for (int index1 = 0; index1 < num3; ++index1)
if (index1 % (num3 / 100) != 0)
if (index1 + 1 != num3)
goto label_14;
this.ChangeProgress((index1 + 1) * 100 / num3);
for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 14; ++index2)
inputBuffer[index2] = array1[index1 * 14 + index2];
byte[] numArray2 = this.RepackAdpcm(0, this.defTbl, inputBuffer);
for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 8; ++index2)
numArray1[num4 + index2] = numArray2[index2];
num4 += 8;
if (this.bnsInfo.ChannelCount == (byte) 2)
for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 14; ++index2)
inputBuffer[index2] = array2[index1 * 14 + index2];
byte[] numArray3 = this.RepackAdpcm(1, this.defTbl, inputBuffer);
for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 8; ++index2)
numArray1[num5 + index2] = numArray3[index2];
num5 += 8;
this.bnsInfo.LoopEnd = (uint) (num3 * 7);
return numArray1;
private byte[] RepackAdpcm(int index, int[] table, int[] inputBuffer)
byte[] numArray1 = new byte[8];
int[] numArray2 = new int[2];
double num1 = 999999999.0;
for (int tableIndex = 0; tableIndex < 8; ++tableIndex)
double outError;
byte[] numArray3 = this.CompressAdpcm(index, table, tableIndex, inputBuffer, out outError);
if (outError < num1)
num1 = outError;
for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 8; ++index1)
numArray1[index1] = numArray3[index1];
for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 2; ++index1)
numArray2[index1] = this.tlSamples[index1];
for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 2; ++index1)
int[,] rlSamples = this.rlSamples;
int num2 = index1;
int index2 = index;
int index3 = num2;
int num3 = numArray2[index1];
rlSamples[index2, index3] = num3;
return numArray1;
private byte[] CompressAdpcm(
int index,
int[] table,
int tableIndex,
int[] inputBuffer,
out double outError)
byte[] numArray = new byte[8];
int num1 = 0;
int num2 = table[2 * tableIndex];
int num3 = table[2 * tableIndex + 1];
int stdExponent = this.DetermineStdExponent(index, table, tableIndex, inputBuffer);
while (stdExponent <= 15)
bool flag = false;
num1 = 0;
numArray[0] = (byte) (stdExponent | tableIndex << 4);
for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 2; ++index1)
this.tlSamples[index1] = this.rlSamples[index, index1];
int num4 = 0;
for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 14; ++index1)
int num5 = this.tlSamples[1] * num2 + this.tlSamples[0] * num3 >> 11;
int input1 = inputBuffer[index1] - num5 >> stdExponent;
if (input1 <= 7 && input1 >= -8)
int num6 = this.Clamp(input1, -8, 7);
numArray[index1 / 2 + 1] = (index1 & 1) == 0 ? (byte) (num6 << 4) : (byte) ((uint) numArray[index1 / 2 + 1] | (uint) (num6 & 15));
int input2 = num5 + (num6 << stdExponent);
this.tlSamples[0] = this.tlSamples[1];
this.tlSamples[1] = this.Clamp(input2, (int) short.MinValue, (int) short.MaxValue);
num1 += (int) Math.Pow((double) (this.tlSamples[1] - inputBuffer[index1]), 2.0);
flag = true;
if (!flag)
num4 = 14;
if (num4 == 14)
outError = (double) num1;
return numArray;
private int DetermineStdExponent(int index, int[] table, int tableIndex, int[] inputBuffer)
int[] numArray = new int[2];
int num1 = 0;
int num2 = table[2 * tableIndex];
int num3 = table[2 * tableIndex + 1];
for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 2; ++index1)
numArray[index1] = this.rlSamples[index, index1];
for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 14; ++index1)
int num4 = numArray[1] * num2 + numArray[0] * num3 >> 11;
int num5 = inputBuffer[index1] - num4;
if (num5 > num1)
num1 = num5;
numArray[0] = numArray[1];
numArray[1] = inputBuffer[index1];
return this.FindExponent((double) num1);
private int FindExponent(double residual)
int num = 0;
for (; residual > 7.5 || residual < -8.5; residual /= 2.0)
return num;
private int Clamp(int input, int min, int max)
if (input < min)
return min;
return input > max ? max : input;
private void ChangeProgress(int progressPercentage)
EventHandler<ProgressChangedEventArgs> progress = this.Progress;
if (progress == null)
progress(new object(), new ProgressChangedEventArgs(progressPercentage, new object()));
public static Wave BnsToWave(Stream inputFile)
BNS bns = new BNS();
byte[] samples = bns.Read(inputFile);
Wave wave = new Wave((int) bns.bnsInfo.ChannelCount, 16, (int) bns.bnsInfo.SampleRate, samples);
if (bns.bnsInfo.HasLoop == (byte) 1)
wave.AddLoop((int) bns.bnsInfo.LoopStart);
return wave;
public static Wave BnsToWave(string pathToFile)
BNS bns = new BNS();
byte[] samples = (byte[]) null;
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(pathToFile, FileMode.Open))
samples = bns.Read((Stream) fileStream);
Wave wave = new Wave((int) bns.bnsInfo.ChannelCount, 16, (int) bns.bnsInfo.SampleRate, samples);
if (bns.bnsInfo.HasLoop == (byte) 1)
wave.AddLoop((int) bns.bnsInfo.LoopStart);
return wave;
public static Wave BnsToWave(byte[] bnsFile)
BNS bns = new BNS();
byte[] samples = (byte[]) null;
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(bnsFile))
samples = bns.Read((Stream) memoryStream);
Wave wave = new Wave((int) bns.bnsInfo.ChannelCount, 16, (int) bns.bnsInfo.SampleRate, samples);
if (bns.bnsInfo.HasLoop == (byte) 1)
wave.AddLoop((int) bns.bnsInfo.LoopStart);
return wave;
private byte[] Read(Stream input)
input.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return this.Decode();
private byte[] Decode()
List<byte> byteList = new List<byte>();
int num = this.bnsData.Data.Length / (this.bnsInfo.ChannelCount == (byte) 2 ? 16 : 8);
int dataOffset1 = 0;
int dataOffset2 = num * 8;
byte[] numArray1 = new byte[0];
byte[] numArray2 = new byte[0];
for (int index1 = 0; index1 < num; ++index1)
byte[] numArray3 = this.DecodeAdpcm(0, dataOffset1);
if (this.bnsInfo.ChannelCount == (byte) 2)
numArray2 = this.DecodeAdpcm(1, dataOffset2);
for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 14; ++index2)
byteList.Add(numArray3[index2 * 2]);
byteList.Add(numArray3[index2 * 2 + 1]);
if (this.bnsInfo.ChannelCount == (byte) 2)
byteList.Add(numArray2[index2 * 2]);
byteList.Add(numArray2[index2 * 2 + 1]);
dataOffset1 += 8;
if (this.bnsInfo.ChannelCount == (byte) 2)
dataOffset2 += 8;
return byteList.ToArray();
private byte[] DecodeAdpcm(int channel, int dataOffset)
byte[] numArray = new byte[28];
int num1 = (int) this.bnsData.Data[dataOffset] >> 4 & 15;
int num2 = 1 << ((int) this.bnsData.Data[dataOffset] & 15);
int num3 = this.pHist1[channel];
int num4 = this.pHist2[channel];
int num5 = channel == 0 ? this.bnsInfo.Coefficients1[num1 * 2] : this.bnsInfo.Coefficients2[num1 * 2];
int num6 = channel == 0 ? this.bnsInfo.Coefficients1[num1 * 2 + 1] : this.bnsInfo.Coefficients2[num1 * 2 + 1];
for (int index = 0; index < 14; ++index)
short num7 = (short) this.bnsData.Data[dataOffset + (index / 2 + 1)];
int num8 = (index & 1) != 0 ? (int) num7 & 15 : (int) num7 >> 4;
if (num8 >= 8)
num8 -= 16;
int num9 = this.Clamp((num2 * num8 << 11) + (num5 * num3 + num6 * num4) + 1024 >> 11, (int) short.MinValue, (int) short.MaxValue);
numArray[index * 2] = (byte) ((uint) (short) num9 & (uint) byte.MaxValue);
numArray[index * 2 + 1] = (byte) ((uint) (short) num9 >> 8);
num4 = num3;
num3 = num9;
this.pHist1[channel] = num3;
this.pHist2[channel] = num4;
return numArray;