// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler // Type: libWiiSharp.HbcTransmitter // Assembly: libWiiSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null // MVID: FBF36F3D-B5D6-481F-B5F5-1BD3C19E13B2 // Assembly location: C:\Users\theso\Downloads\NCPatcher\pack\libWiiSharp.dll using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.IO; using System.Net.Sockets; namespace libWiiSharp { public class HbcTransmitter : IDisposable { private int blocksize = 4096; private int wiiloadMayor; private int wiiloadMinor = 5; private bool compress; private string ipAddress; private int port = 4299; private string lastErrorMessage = string.Empty; private Protocol protocol; private TcpClient tcpClient; private NetworkStream nwStream; private string lastError = string.Empty; private int transmittedLength; private int compressionRatio; private bool isDisposed; public int Blocksize { get => this.blocksize; set => this.blocksize = value; } public int WiiloadVersionMayor { get => this.wiiloadMayor; set => this.wiiloadMayor = value; } public int WiiloadVersionMinor { get => this.wiiloadMinor; set => this.wiiloadMinor = value; } public bool Compress { get => this.compress; set { if (this.protocol == Protocol.HAXX) return; this.compress = value; } } public string IpAddress { get => this.ipAddress; set => this.ipAddress = value; } public int Port { get => this.port; set => this.port = value; } public int TransmittedLength => this.transmittedLength; public int CompressionRatio => this.compressionRatio; public string LastError => this.lastError; public event EventHandler Progress; public event EventHandler Debug; public HbcTransmitter(Protocol protocol, string ipAddress) { this.protocol = protocol; this.ipAddress = ipAddress; this.wiiloadMinor = protocol == Protocol.HAXX ? 4 : 5; this.compress = protocol == Protocol.JODI; } ~HbcTransmitter() => this.Dispose(false); public void Dispose() { this.Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize((object) this); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing && !this.isDisposed) { this.ipAddress = (string) null; this.lastErrorMessage = (string) null; this.lastError = (string) null; if (this.nwStream != null) { this.nwStream.Close(); this.nwStream = (NetworkStream) null; } if (this.tcpClient != null) { this.tcpClient.Close(); this.tcpClient = (TcpClient) null; } } this.isDisposed = true; } public bool TransmitFile(string pathToFile) => this.transmit(Path.GetFileName(pathToFile), File.ReadAllBytes(pathToFile)); public bool TransmitFile(string fileName, byte[] fileData) => this.transmit(fileName, fileData); private bool transmit(string fileName, byte[] fileData) { this.fireDebug("Transmitting {0} to {1}:{2}...", (object) fileName, (object) this.ipAddress, (object) this.port); if (!Environment.OSVersion.ToString().ToLower().Contains("windows")) this.compress = false; if (fileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".zip")) this.compress = false; this.tcpClient = new TcpClient(); byte[] buffer1 = new byte[4]; this.fireDebug(" Connecting..."); try { this.tcpClient.Connect(this.ipAddress, 4299); } catch (Exception ex) { this.fireDebug(" -> Connection Failed:\n" + ex.Message); this.lastError = "Connection Failed:\n" + ex.Message; this.tcpClient.Close(); return false; } this.nwStream = this.tcpClient.GetStream(); this.fireDebug(" Sending Magic..."); buffer1[0] = (byte) 72; buffer1[1] = (byte) 65; buffer1[2] = (byte) 88; buffer1[3] = (byte) 88; try { this.nwStream.Write(buffer1, 0, 4); } catch (Exception ex) { this.fireDebug(" -> Error sending Magic:\n" + ex.Message); this.lastError = "Error sending Magic:\n" + ex.Message; this.nwStream.Close(); this.tcpClient.Close(); return false; } this.fireDebug(" Sending Version Info..."); buffer1[0] = (byte) this.wiiloadMayor; buffer1[1] = (byte) this.wiiloadMinor; buffer1[2] = (byte) (fileName.Length + 2 >> 8 & (int) byte.MaxValue); buffer1[3] = (byte) (fileName.Length + 2 & (int) byte.MaxValue); try { this.nwStream.Write(buffer1, 0, 4); } catch (Exception ex) { this.fireDebug(" -> Error sending Version Info:\n" + ex.Message); this.lastError = "Error sending Version Info:\n" + ex.Message; this.nwStream.Close(); this.tcpClient.Close(); return false; } byte[] buffer2; if (this.compress) { this.fireDebug(" Compressing File..."); try { buffer2 = zlibWrapper.Compress(fileData); } catch { this.fireDebug(" -> Compression failed, continuing without compression..."); this.compress = false; buffer2 = fileData; fileData = new byte[0]; } } else { buffer2 = fileData; fileData = new byte[0]; } this.fireDebug(" Sending Filesize..."); buffer1[0] = (byte) (buffer2.Length >> 24 & (int) byte.MaxValue); buffer1[1] = (byte) (buffer2.Length >> 16 & (int) byte.MaxValue); buffer1[2] = (byte) (buffer2.Length >> 8 & (int) byte.MaxValue); buffer1[3] = (byte) (buffer2.Length & (int) byte.MaxValue); try { this.nwStream.Write(buffer1, 0, 4); } catch (Exception ex) { this.fireDebug(" -> Error sending Filesize:\n" + ex.Message); this.lastError = "Error sending Filesize:\n" + ex.Message; this.nwStream.Close(); this.tcpClient.Close(); return false; } if (this.protocol != Protocol.HAXX) { buffer1[0] = (byte) (fileData.Length >> 24 & (int) byte.MaxValue); buffer1[1] = (byte) (fileData.Length >> 16 & (int) byte.MaxValue); buffer1[2] = (byte) (fileData.Length >> 8 & (int) byte.MaxValue); buffer1[3] = (byte) (fileData.Length & (int) byte.MaxValue); try { this.nwStream.Write(buffer1, 0, 4); } catch (Exception ex) { this.fireDebug(" -> Error sending Filesize:\n" + ex.Message); this.lastError = "Error sending Filesize:\n" + ex.Message; this.nwStream.Close(); this.tcpClient.Close(); return false; } } this.fireDebug(" Sending File..."); int offset = 0; int num1 = 0; int num2 = buffer2.Length / this.Blocksize; int num3 = buffer2.Length % this.Blocksize; try { do { this.fireProgress(++num1 * 100 / num2); this.nwStream.Write(buffer2, offset, this.Blocksize); offset += this.Blocksize; } while (num1 < num2); if (num3 > 0) this.nwStream.Write(buffer2, offset, buffer2.Length - offset); } catch (Exception ex) { this.fireDebug(" -> Error sending File:\n" + ex.Message); this.lastError = "Error sending File:\n" + ex.Message; this.nwStream.Close(); this.tcpClient.Close(); return false; } this.fireDebug(" Sending Arguments..."); byte[] buffer3 = new byte[fileName.Length + 2]; for (int index = 0; index < fileName.Length; ++index) buffer3[index] = (byte) fileName.ToCharArray()[index]; try { this.nwStream.Write(buffer3, 0, buffer3.Length); } catch (Exception ex) { this.fireDebug(" -> Error sending Arguments:\n" + ex.Message); this.lastError = "Error sending Arguments:\n" + ex.Message; this.nwStream.Close(); this.tcpClient.Close(); return false; } this.nwStream.Close(); this.tcpClient.Close(); this.transmittedLength = buffer2.Length; this.compressionRatio = !this.compress || fileData.Length == 0 ? 0 : buffer2.Length * 100 / fileData.Length; this.fireDebug("Transmitting {0} to {1}:{2} Finished...", (object) fileName, (object) this.ipAddress, (object) this.port); return true; } private void fireDebug(string debugMessage, params object[] args) { EventHandler debug = this.Debug; if (debug == null) return; debug(new object(), new MessageEventArgs(string.Format(debugMessage, args))); } private void fireProgress(int progressPercentage) { EventHandler progress = this.Progress; if (progress == null) return; progress(new object(), new ProgressChangedEventArgs(progressPercentage, (object) string.Empty)); } } }