-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= libWiiSharp by Leathl Modified by TheShadowEevee https://github.com/TheShadowEevee/libWiiSharp -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Changelog: -=-=-=-=-=- Version 0.4 (TheShadowEevee's takeover) - Checks for an existing CETK now, which helps for some files that needed one but couldn't get it through other means. Version 0.3 - Added support to change the common key index of the ticket in the WAD class - Made the sorting of wad/tmd contents optional (off by default!) Version 0.21 - Fixed smpl region not read in Wave class Version 0.2 - Added support to pass streams - Speed up in TPL conversion - Further changes in TPL class (e.g. changed saving to be compatible with official TPL files) - Fixed IA8 TPL code (from/to) - Fixed CI14X2 TPL code (from) - Added TPL conversion to CI4 and CI8 - Added BNS to Wave conversion - Wave class completely rewritten Version 0.1 - Initial Release