// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler // Type: libWiiSharp.U8 // Assembly: libWiiSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null // MVID: FBF36F3D-B5D6-481F-B5F5-1BD3C19E13B2 // Assembly location: C:\Users\theso\Downloads\NCPatcher\pack\libWiiSharp.dll using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.IO; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; namespace libWiiSharp { public class U8 : IDisposable { private const int dataPadding = 32; private Headers.HeaderType headerType; private object header; private U8_Header u8Header = new U8_Header(); private U8_Node rootNode = new U8_Node(); private List u8Nodes = new List(); private List stringTable = new List(); private List data = new List(); private int iconSize = -1; private int bannerSize = -1; private int soundSize = -1; private bool lz77; private bool isDisposed; public Headers.HeaderType HeaderType => this.headerType; public object Header => this.header; public U8_Node RootNode => this.rootNode; public List Nodes => this.u8Nodes; public string[] StringTable => this.stringTable.ToArray(); public byte[][] Data => this.data.ToArray(); public int NumOfNodes => (int) this.rootNode.SizeOfData - 1; public int IconSize => this.iconSize; public int BannerSize => this.bannerSize; public int SoundSize => this.soundSize; public bool Lz77Compress { get => this.lz77; set => this.lz77 = value; } public event EventHandler Progress; public event EventHandler Warning; public event EventHandler Debug; public U8() => this.rootNode.Type = U8_NodeType.Directory; ~U8() => this.Dispose(false); public void Dispose() { this.Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize((object) this); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing && !this.isDisposed) { this.header = (object) null; this.u8Header = (U8_Header) null; this.rootNode = (U8_Node) null; this.u8Nodes.Clear(); this.u8Nodes = (List) null; this.stringTable.Clear(); this.stringTable = (List) null; this.data.Clear(); this.data = (List) null; } this.isDisposed = true; } public static bool IsU8(string pathToFile) => U8.IsU8(File.ReadAllBytes(pathToFile)); public static bool IsU8(byte[] file) { if (Lz77.IsLz77Compressed(file)) { byte[] file1 = new byte[file.Length > 2000 ? 2000 : file.Length]; for (int index = 0; index < file1.Length; ++index) file1[index] = file[index]; return U8.IsU8(new Lz77().Decompress(file1)); } Headers.HeaderType headerType = Headers.DetectHeader(file); return Shared.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(file, (int) headerType)) == 1437218861U; } public static U8 Load(string pathToU8) => U8.Load(File.ReadAllBytes(pathToU8)); public static U8 Load(byte[] u8File) { U8 u8 = new U8(); MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(u8File); try { u8.parseU8((Stream) memoryStream); } catch { memoryStream.Dispose(); throw; } memoryStream.Dispose(); return u8; } public static U8 Load(Stream u8File) { U8 u8 = new U8(); u8.parseU8(u8File); return u8; } public static U8 FromDirectory(string pathToDirectory) { U8 u8 = new U8(); u8.createFromDir(pathToDirectory); return u8; } public void LoadFile(string pathToU8) => this.LoadFile(File.ReadAllBytes(pathToU8)); public void LoadFile(byte[] u8File) { MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(u8File); try { this.parseU8((Stream) memoryStream); } catch { memoryStream.Dispose(); throw; } memoryStream.Dispose(); } public void LoadFile(Stream u8File) => this.parseU8(u8File); public void CreateFromDirectory(string pathToDirectory) => this.createFromDir(pathToDirectory); public void Save(string savePath) { if (File.Exists(savePath)) File.Delete(savePath); using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(savePath, FileMode.Create)) this.writeToStream((Stream) fileStream); } public MemoryStream ToMemoryStream() { MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); try { this.writeToStream((Stream) memoryStream); return memoryStream; } catch { memoryStream.Dispose(); throw; } } public byte[] ToByteArray() => this.ToMemoryStream().ToArray(); public void Unpack(string saveDir) => this.unpackToDir(saveDir); public void Extract(string saveDir) => this.unpackToDir(saveDir); public void AddHeaderImet(bool shortImet, params string[] titles) { if (this.iconSize == -1) throw new Exception("icon.bin wasn't found!"); if (this.bannerSize == -1) throw new Exception("banner.bin wasn't found!"); if (this.soundSize == -1) throw new Exception("sound.bin wasn't found!"); this.header = (object) Headers.IMET.Create(shortImet, this.iconSize, this.bannerSize, this.soundSize, titles); this.headerType = shortImet ? Headers.HeaderType.ShortIMET : Headers.HeaderType.IMET; } public void AddHeaderImd5() => this.headerType = Headers.HeaderType.IMD5; public void ReplaceFile(int fileIndex, string pathToNewFile, bool changeFileName = false) { if (this.u8Nodes[fileIndex].Type == U8_NodeType.Directory) throw new Exception("You can't replace a directory with a file!"); this.data[fileIndex] = File.ReadAllBytes(pathToNewFile); if (changeFileName) this.stringTable[fileIndex] = Path.GetFileName(pathToNewFile); if (this.stringTable[fileIndex].ToLower() == "icon.bin") this.iconSize = this.getRealSize(File.ReadAllBytes(pathToNewFile)); else if (this.stringTable[fileIndex].ToLower() == "banner.bin") { this.bannerSize = this.getRealSize(File.ReadAllBytes(pathToNewFile)); } else { if (!(this.stringTable[fileIndex].ToLower() == "sound.bin")) return; this.soundSize = this.getRealSize(File.ReadAllBytes(pathToNewFile)); } } public void ReplaceFile(int fileIndex, byte[] newData) { if (this.u8Nodes[fileIndex].Type == U8_NodeType.Directory) throw new Exception("You can't replace a directory with a file!"); this.data[fileIndex] = newData; if (this.stringTable[fileIndex].ToLower() == "icon.bin") this.iconSize = this.getRealSize(newData); else if (this.stringTable[fileIndex].ToLower() == "banner.bin") { this.bannerSize = this.getRealSize(newData); } else { if (!(this.stringTable[fileIndex].ToLower() == "sound.bin")) return; this.soundSize = this.getRealSize(newData); } } public int GetNodeIndex(string fileOrDirName) { for (int index = 0; index < this.u8Nodes.Count; ++index) { if (this.stringTable[index].ToLower() == fileOrDirName.ToLower()) return index; } return -1; } public void RenameNode(int index, string newName) => this.stringTable[index] = newName; public void RenameNode(string oldName, string newName) => this.stringTable[this.GetNodeIndex(oldName)] = newName; public void AddDirectory(string path) => this.addEntry(path, new byte[0]); public void AddFile(string path, byte[] data) => this.addEntry(path, data); public void RemoveDirectory(string path) => this.removeEntry(path); public void RemoveFile(string path) => this.removeEntry(path); private void writeToStream(Stream writeStream) { this.fireDebug("Writing U8 File..."); this.fireDebug(" Updating Rootnode..."); this.rootNode.SizeOfData = (uint) (this.u8Nodes.Count + 1); MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); memoryStream.Seek((long) this.u8Header.OffsetToRootNode + (long) ((this.u8Nodes.Count + 1) * 12), SeekOrigin.Begin); this.fireDebug(" Writing String Table... (Offset: 0x{0})", (object) memoryStream.Position.ToString("x8").ToUpper()); memoryStream.WriteByte((byte) 0); int num = (int) memoryStream.Position - 1; long position; for (int index = 0; index < this.u8Nodes.Count; ++index) { object[] objArray = new object[4]; position = memoryStream.Position; objArray[0] = (object) position.ToString("x8").ToUpper(); objArray[1] = (object) (index + 1); objArray[2] = (object) this.u8Nodes.Count; objArray[3] = (object) this.stringTable[index]; this.fireDebug(" -> Entry #{1} of {2}: \"{3}\"... (Offset: 0x{0})", objArray); this.u8Nodes[index].OffsetToName = (ushort) ((ulong) memoryStream.Position - (ulong) num); byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(this.stringTable[index]); memoryStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); memoryStream.WriteByte((byte) 0); } this.u8Header.HeaderSize = (uint) ((ulong) memoryStream.Position - (ulong) this.u8Header.OffsetToRootNode); this.u8Header.OffsetToData = 0U; for (int index = 0; index < this.u8Nodes.Count; ++index) { this.fireProgress((index + 1) * 100 / this.u8Nodes.Count); if (this.u8Nodes[index].Type == U8_NodeType.File) { memoryStream.Seek((long) Shared.AddPadding((int) memoryStream.Position, 32), SeekOrigin.Begin); object[] objArray = new object[3]; position = memoryStream.Position; objArray[0] = (object) position.ToString("x8").ToUpper(); objArray[1] = (object) (index + 1); objArray[2] = (object) this.u8Nodes.Count; this.fireDebug(" Writing Data #{1} of {2}... (Offset: 0x{0})", objArray); if (this.u8Header.OffsetToData == 0U) this.u8Header.OffsetToData = (uint) memoryStream.Position; this.u8Nodes[index].OffsetToData = (uint) memoryStream.Position; this.u8Nodes[index].SizeOfData = (uint) this.data[index].Length; memoryStream.Write(this.data[index], 0, this.data[index].Length); } else this.fireDebug(" Node #{0} of {1} is a Directory...", (object) (index + 1), (object) this.u8Nodes.Count); } while (memoryStream.Position % 16L != 0L) memoryStream.WriteByte((byte) 0); memoryStream.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin); object[] objArray1 = new object[1]; position = memoryStream.Position; objArray1[0] = (object) position.ToString("x8").ToUpper(); this.fireDebug(" Writing Header... (Offset: 0x{0})", objArray1); this.u8Header.Write((Stream) memoryStream); object[] objArray2 = new object[1]; position = memoryStream.Position; objArray2[0] = (object) position.ToString("x8").ToUpper(); this.fireDebug(" Writing Rootnode... (Offset: 0x{0})", objArray2); this.rootNode.Write((Stream) memoryStream); for (int index = 0; index < this.u8Nodes.Count; ++index) { object[] objArray3 = new object[3]; position = memoryStream.Position; objArray3[0] = (object) position.ToString("x8").ToUpper(); objArray3[1] = (object) (index + 1); objArray3[2] = (object) this.u8Nodes.Count; this.fireDebug(" Writing Node Entry #{1} of {2}... (Offset: 0x{0})", objArray3); this.u8Nodes[index].Write((Stream) memoryStream); } byte[] numArray = memoryStream.ToArray(); memoryStream.Dispose(); if (this.lz77) { this.fireDebug(" Lz77 Compressing U8 File..."); numArray = new Lz77().Compress(numArray); } if (this.headerType == Headers.HeaderType.IMD5) { this.fireDebug(" Adding IMD5 Header..."); writeStream.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin); Headers.IMD5.Create(numArray).Write(writeStream); } else if (this.headerType == Headers.HeaderType.IMET || this.headerType == Headers.HeaderType.ShortIMET) { this.fireDebug(" Adding IMET Header..."); ((Headers.IMET) this.header).IconSize = (uint) this.iconSize; ((Headers.IMET) this.header).BannerSize = (uint) this.bannerSize; ((Headers.IMET) this.header).SoundSize = (uint) this.soundSize; writeStream.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin); ((Headers.IMET) this.header).Write(writeStream); } writeStream.Write(numArray, 0, numArray.Length); this.fireDebug("Writing U8 File Finished..."); } private void unpackToDir(string saveDir) { this.fireDebug("Unpacking U8 File to: {0}", (object) saveDir); if (!Directory.Exists(saveDir)) Directory.CreateDirectory(saveDir); string[] strArray = new string[this.u8Nodes.Count]; strArray[0] = saveDir; int[] numArray = new int[this.u8Nodes.Count]; int index1 = 0; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < this.u8Nodes.Count; ++index2) { this.fireDebug(" Unpacking Entry #{0} of {1}", (object) (index2 + 1), (object) this.u8Nodes.Count); this.fireProgress((index2 + 1) * 100 / this.u8Nodes.Count); if (this.u8Nodes[index2].Type == U8_NodeType.Directory) { this.fireDebug(" -> Directory: \"{0}\"", (object) this.stringTable[index2]); if ((int) strArray[index1][strArray[index1].Length - 1] != (int) Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) { // ISSUE: explicit reference operation strArray[index1] += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(); } Directory.CreateDirectory(strArray[index1] + this.stringTable[index2]); strArray[index1 + 1] = strArray[index1] + this.stringTable[index2]; ++index1; numArray[index1] = (int) this.u8Nodes[index2].SizeOfData; } else { this.fireDebug(" -> File: \"{0}\"", (object) this.stringTable[index2]); this.fireDebug(" -> Size: {0} bytes", (object) this.data[index2].Length); using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(strArray[index1] + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString() + this.stringTable[index2], FileMode.Create)) fileStream.Write(this.data[index2], 0, this.data[index2].Length); } while (index1 > 0 && numArray[index1] == index2 + 2) --index1; } this.fireDebug("Unpacking U8 File Finished"); } private void parseU8(Stream u8File) { this.fireDebug("Pasing U8 File..."); this.u8Header = new U8_Header(); this.rootNode = new U8_Node(); this.u8Nodes = new List(); this.stringTable = new List(); this.data = new List(); this.fireDebug(" Detecting Header..."); this.headerType = Headers.DetectHeader(u8File); Headers.HeaderType headerType = this.headerType; this.fireDebug(" -> {0}", (object) this.headerType.ToString()); if (this.headerType == Headers.HeaderType.IMD5) { this.fireDebug(" Reading IMD5 Header..."); this.header = (object) Headers.IMD5.Load(u8File); byte[] buffer = new byte[u8File.Length]; u8File.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); MD5 md5 = MD5.Create(); byte[] hash1 = md5.ComputeHash(buffer, (int) this.headerType, (int) ((int) u8File.Length - this.headerType)); md5.Clear(); byte[] hash2 = ((Headers.IMD5) this.header).Hash; if (!Shared.CompareByteArrays(hash1, hash2)) { this.fireDebug("/!\\ /!\\ /!\\ Hashes do not match /!\\ /!\\ /!\\"); this.fireWarning("Hashes of IMD5 header and file do not match! The content might be corrupted!"); } } else if (this.headerType == Headers.HeaderType.IMET || this.headerType == Headers.HeaderType.ShortIMET) { this.fireDebug(" Reading IMET Header..."); this.header = (object) Headers.IMET.Load(u8File); if (!((Headers.IMET) this.header).HashesMatch) { this.fireDebug("/!\\ /!\\ /!\\ Hashes do not match /!\\ /!\\ /!\\"); this.fireWarning("The hash stored in the IMET header doesn't match the headers hash! The header and/or file might be corrupted!"); } } this.fireDebug(" Checking for Lz77 Compression..."); if (Lz77.IsLz77Compressed(u8File)) { this.fireDebug(" -> Lz77 Compression Found..."); this.fireDebug(" Decompressing U8 Data..."); Stream file = new Lz77().Decompress(u8File); headerType = Headers.DetectHeader(file); u8File = file; this.lz77 = true; } u8File.Seek((long) headerType, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] buffer1 = new byte[4]; this.fireDebug(" Reading U8 Header: Magic... (Offset: 0x{0})", (object) u8File.Position.ToString("x8").ToUpper()); u8File.Read(buffer1, 0, 4); if ((int) Shared.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer1, 0)) != (int) this.u8Header.U8Magic) { this.fireDebug(" -> Invalid Magic!"); throw new Exception("U8 Header: Invalid Magic!"); } this.fireDebug(" Reading U8 Header: Offset to Rootnode... (Offset: 0x{0})", (object) u8File.Position.ToString("x8").ToUpper()); u8File.Read(buffer1, 0, 4); if ((int) Shared.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer1, 0)) != (int) this.u8Header.OffsetToRootNode) { this.fireDebug(" -> Invalid Offset to Rootnode"); throw new Exception("U8 Header: Invalid Offset to Rootnode!"); } this.fireDebug(" Reading U8 Header: Header Size... (Offset: 0x{0})", (object) u8File.Position.ToString("x8").ToUpper()); u8File.Read(buffer1, 0, 4); this.u8Header.HeaderSize = Shared.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer1, 0)); this.fireDebug(" Reading U8 Header: Offset to Data... (Offset: 0x{0})", (object) u8File.Position.ToString("x8").ToUpper()); u8File.Read(buffer1, 0, 4); this.u8Header.OffsetToData = Shared.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer1, 0)); u8File.Seek(16L, SeekOrigin.Current); object[] objArray1 = new object[1]; long position1 = u8File.Position; objArray1[0] = (object) position1.ToString("x8").ToUpper(); this.fireDebug(" Reading Rootnode... (Offset: 0x{0})", objArray1); u8File.Read(buffer1, 0, 4); this.rootNode.Type = (U8_NodeType) Shared.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer1, 0)); this.rootNode.OffsetToName = Shared.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer1, 2)); u8File.Read(buffer1, 0, 4); this.rootNode.OffsetToData = Shared.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer1, 0)); u8File.Read(buffer1, 0, 4); this.rootNode.SizeOfData = Shared.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer1, 0)); int num = (int) ((long) headerType + (long) this.u8Header.OffsetToRootNode + (long) (this.rootNode.SizeOfData * 12U)); int position2 = (int) u8File.Position; for (int index = 0; (long) index < (long) (this.rootNode.SizeOfData - 1U); ++index) { object[] objArray2 = new object[3]; position1 = u8File.Position; objArray2[0] = (object) position1.ToString("x8").ToUpper(); objArray2[1] = (object) (index + 1); objArray2[2] = (object) (uint) ((int) this.rootNode.SizeOfData - 1); this.fireDebug(" Reading Node #{1} of {2}... (Offset: 0x{0})", objArray2); this.fireProgress((int) ((long) ((index + 1) * 100) / (long) (this.rootNode.SizeOfData - 1U))); U8_Node u8Node = new U8_Node(); string empty = string.Empty; byte[] numArray = new byte[0]; u8File.Seek((long) position2, SeekOrigin.Begin); object[] objArray3 = new object[1]; position1 = u8File.Position; objArray3[0] = (object) position1.ToString("x8").ToUpper(); this.fireDebug(" -> Reading Node Entry... (Offset: 0x{0})", objArray3); u8File.Read(buffer1, 0, 4); u8Node.Type = (U8_NodeType) Shared.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer1, 0)); u8Node.OffsetToName = Shared.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer1, 2)); u8File.Read(buffer1, 0, 4); u8Node.OffsetToData = Shared.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer1, 0)); u8File.Read(buffer1, 0, 4); u8Node.SizeOfData = Shared.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer1, 0)); position2 = (int) u8File.Position; this.fireDebug(" -> {0}", (object) u8Node.Type.ToString()); u8File.Seek((long) (num + (int) u8Node.OffsetToName), SeekOrigin.Begin); object[] objArray4 = new object[1]; position1 = u8File.Position; objArray4[0] = (object) position1.ToString("x8").ToUpper(); this.fireDebug(" -> Reading Node Name... (Offset: 0x{0})", objArray4); do { char ch = (char) u8File.ReadByte(); if (ch != char.MinValue) empty += ch.ToString(); else break; } while (empty.Length <= (int) byte.MaxValue); this.fireDebug(" -> {0}", (object) empty); if (u8Node.Type == U8_NodeType.File) { u8File.Seek((long) headerType + (long) u8Node.OffsetToData, SeekOrigin.Begin); object[] objArray5 = new object[1]; position1 = u8File.Position; objArray5[0] = (object) position1.ToString("x8").ToUpper(); this.fireDebug(" -> Reading Node Data (Offset: 0x{0})", objArray5); numArray = new byte[(int) u8Node.SizeOfData]; u8File.Read(numArray, 0, numArray.Length); } if (empty.ToLower() == "icon.bin") this.iconSize = this.getRealSize(numArray); else if (empty.ToLower() == "banner.bin") this.bannerSize = this.getRealSize(numArray); else if (empty.ToLower() == "sound.bin") this.soundSize = this.getRealSize(numArray); this.u8Nodes.Add(u8Node); this.stringTable.Add(empty); this.data.Add(numArray); } this.fireDebug("Pasing U8 File Finished..."); } private void createFromDir(string path) { this.fireDebug("Creating U8 File from: {0}", (object) path); if ((int) path[path.Length - 1] != (int) Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) path += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(); this.fireDebug(" Collecting Content..."); string[] dirContent = this.getDirContent(path, true); int num1 = 1; int num2 = 0; this.fireDebug(" Creating U8 Header..."); this.u8Header = new U8_Header(); this.rootNode = new U8_Node(); this.u8Nodes = new List(); this.stringTable = new List(); this.data = new List(); this.fireDebug(" Creating Rootnode..."); this.rootNode.Type = U8_NodeType.Directory; this.rootNode.OffsetToName = (ushort) 0; this.rootNode.OffsetToData = 0U; this.rootNode.SizeOfData = (uint) (dirContent.Length + 1); for (int index1 = 0; index1 < dirContent.Length; ++index1) { this.fireDebug(" Creating Node #{0} of {1}", (object) (index1 + 1), (object) dirContent.Length); this.fireProgress((index1 + 1) * 100 / dirContent.Length); U8_Node u8Node = new U8_Node(); byte[] data = new byte[0]; string theString = dirContent[index1].Remove(0, path.Length - 1); if (Directory.Exists(dirContent[index1])) { this.fireDebug(" -> Directory"); u8Node.Type = U8_NodeType.Directory; u8Node.OffsetToData = (uint) Shared.CountCharsInString(theString, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); int num3 = this.u8Nodes.Count + 2; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < dirContent.Length; ++index2) { if (dirContent[index2].Contains(dirContent[index1] + "\\")) ++num3; } u8Node.SizeOfData = (uint) num3; } else { this.fireDebug(" -> File"); this.fireDebug(" -> Reading File Data..."); data = File.ReadAllBytes(dirContent[index1]); u8Node.Type = U8_NodeType.File; u8Node.OffsetToData = (uint) num2; u8Node.SizeOfData = (uint) data.Length; num2 += Shared.AddPadding(num2 + data.Length, 32); } u8Node.OffsetToName = (ushort) num1; num1 += Path.GetFileName(dirContent[index1]).Length + 1; this.fireDebug(" -> Reading Name..."); string fileName = Path.GetFileName(dirContent[index1]); if (fileName.ToLower() == "icon.bin") this.iconSize = this.getRealSize(data); else if (fileName.ToLower() == "banner.bin") this.bannerSize = this.getRealSize(data); else if (fileName.ToLower() == "sound.bin") this.soundSize = this.getRealSize(data); this.u8Nodes.Add(u8Node); this.stringTable.Add(fileName); this.data.Add(data); } this.fireDebug(" Updating U8 Header..."); this.u8Header.HeaderSize = (uint) ((this.u8Nodes.Count + 1) * 12 + num1); this.u8Header.OffsetToData = (uint) Shared.AddPadding((int) this.u8Header.OffsetToRootNode + (int) this.u8Header.HeaderSize, 32); this.fireDebug(" Calculating Data Offsets..."); for (int index = 0; index < this.u8Nodes.Count; ++index) { this.fireDebug(" -> Node #{0} of {1}...", (object) (index + 1), (object) this.u8Nodes.Count); int offsetToData = (int) this.u8Nodes[index].OffsetToData; this.u8Nodes[index].OffsetToData = (uint) ((ulong) this.u8Header.OffsetToData + (ulong) offsetToData); } this.fireDebug("Creating U8 File Finished..."); } private string[] getDirContent(string dir, bool root) { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(dir); string[] directories = Directory.GetDirectories(dir); string str1 = ""; if (!root) str1 = str1 + dir + "\n"; for (int index = 0; index < files.Length; ++index) str1 = str1 + files[index] + "\n"; foreach (string dir1 in directories) { foreach (string str2 in this.getDirContent(dir1, false)) str1 = str1 + str2 + "\n"; } return str1.Split(new char[1]{ '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); } private int getRealSize(byte[] data) { if (data[0] != (byte) 73 || data[1] != (byte) 77 || (data[2] != (byte) 68 || data[3] != (byte) 53)) return data.Length; return data[32] == (byte) 76 && data[33] == (byte) 90 && (data[34] == (byte) 55 && data[35] == (byte) 55) ? BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 36) >> 8 : data.Length - 32; } private void addEntry(string nodePath, byte[] fileData) { if (nodePath.StartsWith("/")) nodePath = nodePath.Remove(0, 1); string[] strArray = nodePath.Split('/'); int index1 = -1; int num1 = this.u8Nodes.Count > 0 ? this.u8Nodes.Count - 1 : 0; int num2 = 0; List intList = new List(); for (int index2 = 0; index2 < strArray.Length - 1; ++index2) { for (int index3 = num2; index3 <= num1; ++index3) { if (!(this.stringTable[index3].ToLower() == strArray[index2].ToLower())) { if (index3 == num1 - 1) throw new Exception("Path wasn't found!"); } else { if (index2 == strArray.Length - 2) index1 = index3; num1 = (int) this.u8Nodes[index3].SizeOfData - 1; num2 = index3 + 1; intList.Add(index3); break; } } } int num3 = index1 > -1 ? (int) this.u8Nodes[index1].SizeOfData - 2 : (this.rootNode.SizeOfData > 1U ? (int) this.rootNode.SizeOfData - 2 : -1); U8_Node u8Node = new U8_Node(); u8Node.Type = fileData.Length == 0 ? U8_NodeType.Directory : U8_NodeType.File; u8Node.SizeOfData = fileData.Length == 0 ? (uint) (num3 + 2) : (uint) fileData.Length; u8Node.OffsetToData = fileData.Length == 0 ? (uint) Shared.CountCharsInString(nodePath, '/') : 0U; this.stringTable.Insert(num3 + 1, strArray[strArray.Length - 1]); this.u8Nodes.Insert(num3 + 1, u8Node); this.data.Insert(num3 + 1, fileData); ++this.rootNode.SizeOfData; foreach (int index2 in intList) { if (this.u8Nodes[index2].Type == U8_NodeType.Directory) ++this.u8Nodes[index2].SizeOfData; } for (int index2 = num3 + 1; index2 < this.u8Nodes.Count; ++index2) { if (this.u8Nodes[index2].Type == U8_NodeType.Directory) ++this.u8Nodes[index2].SizeOfData; } } private void removeEntry(string nodePath) { if (nodePath.StartsWith("/")) nodePath = nodePath.Remove(0, 1); string[] strArray = nodePath.Split('/'); int index1 = -1; int num1 = this.u8Nodes.Count - 1; int num2 = 0; List intList = new List(); for (int index2 = 0; index2 < strArray.Length; ++index2) { for (int index3 = num2; index3 < num1; ++index3) { if (!(this.stringTable[index3].ToLower() == strArray[index2].ToLower())) { if (index3 == num1 - 1) throw new Exception("Path wasn't found!"); } else { if (index2 == strArray.Length - 1) index1 = index3; else intList.Add(index3); num1 = (int) this.u8Nodes[index3].SizeOfData - 1; num2 = index3 + 1; break; } } } int num3 = 0; if (this.u8Nodes[index1].Type == U8_NodeType.Directory) { for (int index2 = (int) this.u8Nodes[index1].SizeOfData - 2; index2 >= index1; --index2) { this.stringTable.RemoveAt(index2); this.u8Nodes.RemoveAt(index2); this.data.RemoveAt(index2); ++num3; } } else { this.stringTable.RemoveAt(index1); this.u8Nodes.RemoveAt(index1); this.data.RemoveAt(index1); ++num3; } this.rootNode.SizeOfData -= (uint) num3; foreach (int index2 in intList) { if (this.u8Nodes[index2].Type == U8_NodeType.Directory) this.u8Nodes[index2].SizeOfData -= (uint) num3; } for (int index2 = index1 + 1; index2 < this.u8Nodes.Count; ++index2) { if (this.u8Nodes[index2].Type == U8_NodeType.Directory) this.u8Nodes[index2].SizeOfData -= (uint) num3; } } private void fireWarning(string warningMessage) { EventHandler warning = this.Warning; if (warning == null) return; warning(new object(), new MessageEventArgs(warningMessage)); } private void fireDebug(string debugMessage, params object[] args) { EventHandler debug = this.Debug; if (debug == null) return; debug(new object(), new MessageEventArgs(string.Format(debugMessage, args))); } private void fireProgress(int progressPercentage) { EventHandler progress = this.Progress; if (progress == null) return; progress(new object(), new ProgressChangedEventArgs(progressPercentage, (object) string.Empty)); } } }