/* This file is part of Sharpii. * Copyright (C) 2013 Person66 * Copyright (C) 2020 Sharpii-NetCore Contributors * * Sharpii is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Sharpii is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Sharpii. If not, see . */ using System; using System.IO; using libWiiSharp; namespace Sharpii { partial class U8_Stuff { public static void U8(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 4) { U8_help(); return; } //********************* Pack ********************* if (args[1] == "-p") { Pack(args); return; } //********************* Unpack ********************* if (args[1] == "-u") { Unpack(args); return; } //If tuser gets here, they entered something wrong Console.WriteLine("ERROR: The argument {0} is invalid", args[1]); Console.WriteLine("Error: SHARPII_NET_CORE_U8_INVALID_ARG_01"); if (OperatingSystem.Windows()) { Environment.Exit(0x00003E90); } else { Environment.Exit(0x00000012); } return; } private static void Unpack(string[] args) { string input = args[2]; string output = args[3]; //Check if file exists if (File.Exists(input) == false) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Unable to open file: {0}", input); Console.WriteLine("Either the file doesn't exist, or Sharpii doesn't have permission to open it."); Console.WriteLine("Error: SHARPII_NET_CORE_U8_FILE_ERR_01"); return; } //Check if file is U8 if (libWiiSharp.U8.IsU8(input) != true) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: File {0} is not a U8 archive", input); Console.WriteLine("Error: SHARPII_NET_CORE_U8_NON_U8_01"); if (OperatingSystem.Windows()) { Environment.Exit(0x00003E93); } else { Environment.Exit(0x00000015); } return; } //Run main part, and check for exceptions try { //Load U8 U8 U8file = new U8(); if (BeQuiet.quiet > 2) Console.Write("Loading file..."); U8file.LoadFile(input); if (BeQuiet.quiet > 2) Console.Write("Done!\n"); if (BeQuiet.quiet > 2) Console.Write("Extracting file..."); U8file.Extract(output); if (BeQuiet.quiet > 2) Console.Write("Done!\n"); if (BeQuiet.quiet > 1) Console.WriteLine("Operation completed succesfully!"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("An unknown error occured, please try again"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("ERROR DETAILS: {0}", ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Error: SHARPII_NET_CORE_U8_UNKNOWN_01"); if (OperatingSystem.Windows()) { Environment.Exit(0x00003E82); } else { Environment.Exit(0x00000004); } return; } } private static void Pack(string[] args) { //Setting up variables string input = args[2]; string output = args[3]; bool lz77 = false; bool imd5 = false; string imet = ""; //Check if folder exists if (Directory.Exists(input) == false) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Unable to open Folder: {0}", input); Console.WriteLine("Either the folder doesn't exist, or Sharpii doesn't have permission to open it."); Console.WriteLine("Error: SHARPII_NET_CORE_U8_FOLDER_ERR_01"); if (OperatingSystem.Windows()) { Environment.Exit(0x00003E94); } else { Environment.Exit(0x00000016); } return; } for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++) { switch (args[i].ToUpper()) { case "-LZ77": lz77 = true; break; case "-IMD5": imd5 = true; break; case "-IMET": if (i + 1 >= args.Length) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: No title set"); Console.WriteLine("Error: SHARPII_NET_CORE_U8_NO_TITLE_01"); if (OperatingSystem.Windows()) { Environment.Exit(0x00003E95); } else { Environment.Exit(0x00000017); } return; } imet = args[i + 1]; break; } } if (imd5 == true && imet != "") { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Cannot use IMET and IMD5 at the same time."); Console.WriteLine("Error: SHARPII_NET_CORE_U8_TWO_HEADERS_01"); if (OperatingSystem.Windows()) { Environment.Exit(0x00003E96); } else { Environment.Exit(0x00000018); } return; } //Run main part, and check for exceptions try { U8 U8folder = new U8(); if (BeQuiet.quiet > 2) Console.Write("Loading folder..."); U8folder.CreateFromDirectory(input); if (BeQuiet.quiet > 2) Console.Write("Done!\n"); if (imd5 == true) { if (BeQuiet.quiet > 2) Console.WriteLine("Adding IMD5 Header"); U8folder.AddHeaderImd5(); } if (imet != "") { if (BeQuiet.quiet > 2) Console.WriteLine("Adding IMET header with title: {0}", imet); U8folder.AddHeaderImet(false, imet); } if (lz77 == true) { //Yeah, I know this isnt where it actually compresses it if (BeQuiet.quiet > 2) Console.WriteLine("Compressing U8 archive"); U8folder.Lz77Compress = true; } if (BeQuiet.quiet > 2) Console.WriteLine("Saving file"); U8folder.Save(output); if (BeQuiet.quiet > 1) Console.WriteLine("Operation completed succesfully!"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("An unknown error occured, please try again"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("ERROR DETAILS: {0}", ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Error: SHARPII_NET_CORE_U8_UNKNOWN_01"); if (OperatingSystem.Windows()) { Environment.Exit(0x00003E82); } else { Environment.Exit(0x00000004); } return; } } public static void U8_help() { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Sharpii {0} - U8 - A tool by person66, using libWiiSharp.dll by leathl", ProgramVersion.version); Console.WriteLine("Sharpii .Net Core Port by TheShadowEevee"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" Usage:"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" Sharpii.exe U8 [-p | -u] input output [arguments]"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" Arguments:"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" input The input file/folder"); Console.WriteLine(" output The output file/folder"); Console.WriteLine(" -p Pack"); Console.WriteLine(" -u Unpack"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" Arguments for Packing:"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" -imet [title] Pack with an IMET header (for 00000000.app)"); Console.WriteLine(" You MUST enter a channel title"); Console.WriteLine(" -imd5 Pack with an IMD5 header (for Banner/Icon.bin)"); Console.WriteLine(" -lz77 Compress with lz77"); } } }