# Sharpii .Net Core Port - A command line libWiiSharp tool ported for all OS's. ## Repo info Sharpii is a command line app for windows that person66 made and was ported to .Net Core by TheShadowEevee, which uses scooby74029's mod of libWiiSharp to perform tasks such as: - Pack, unpack, or edit .wad files - Pack, and unpack U8 archives - Patch IOS .wad files with various patches - Download files from NUS - Convert a .wav file to .bns, and vice versa - Convert an image file to a .tpl, and vice versa - Send a .dol or .wad to the Homebrew Channel over Wi-Fi For more details see the readme.txt in the sharpii folder or visit the official Sharpii thread at: http://gbatemp.net/topic/309756-sharpii/ ## Download You can download the latest version of Sharpii on the project's releases page: https://github.com/TheShadowEevee/Sharpii-NetCore/releases/ Certain releases will have certain executables pre-made. If an executable you need isn't there, compile it yourself! I will have instructions soon. You may also open an issue for this but it may be denyed. ## Issues/Pull Requests All issues with this version of Sharpii should go in this fork's issue tracker. The issue is likely with the port, and even if it isn't maybe I can fix it as I don't know if the original Sharpii creator is still active. Pull requests are appreciated if they fix an issue, but it may take a bit to review. ## Giving Credit: No credit is needed to use this program! If you do give credit, make sure to put the original creator(s) names first! (person66 for Sharpii, and scooby74029 for the libWiiSharp.dll used)