/* * Commit Overflow Counting - Slash Command Definition File * commit-count.js - Gets an initial commit count for Commit Overflow */ const { SlashCommandBuilder, EmbedBuilder } = require('discord.js'); module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('commit-count') .setDescription('Counts Commits'), async execute(interaction) { const exampleEmbed = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor(interaction.member.displayHexColor) .setTitle('Commits') .setDescription('By Day (Method)') .addFields( { name: 'Valid Commits', value: 'December 20th (Media)\nDecember 21st (Commit URL)\nDecember 23rd (Reaction)' }, { name: 'Missed Days', value: 'December 22nd' }, { name: 'Organizers:', value: 'Please react with :gh_green_square: to verify missing days!' }, ); await interaction.reply({ embeds: [exampleEmbed], ephemeral: true }); }, };